Massage and reflexology during pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a time of great change for a woman's body. Many physical changes alter the posture and this in turn can worsen the physical stress on the woman's body. Pregnancy is not an illness but some women experience complaints such as muscular aches and pains, headaches and swelling. Massage and reflexology can be an effective way of supporting women during pregnancy. These therapies can also benefit women emotionally, helping promote relaxation and connection with their baby.

It is essential to choose a therapist that is trained and experienced on maternity treatments. At Breathe Holistic Therapy our therapist has undertaken further training in working with pregnant clients. This includes training relating to serious complications of pregnancy and the importance of appropriate referral. Massage and reflexology are not a replacement for midwife or medical care. Our therapist works with the consent of your midwife or doctor to ensure the therapy is not contraindicated. Following professional guidelines we do not begin treatments until after your first scan at around 12 weeks.

Massage is a wonderful way to connect with your new pregnant body. Aches and tension may ease and muscles relax during the massage. You may be wondering how massage can be possible with your bump? At Breathe Holistic Therapy our therapist is trained in side lying massage techniques so you and your baby are both very comfortable.

Maternity reflexology is a popular treatment enjoyed by many women. There are a number of midwives and maternity wards that now include reflexology in their care. This treatment in pregnancy allows you to ease off your shoes and sit back to enjoy an hour of relaxation.  As you relax you convey positive, relaxed, tranquil emotions to your baby. A reflexology massage feels wonderful but also provides you with time to breathe and enjoy your pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a time of such change and transformation massage and reflexology can provide powerful tools to support  women at this exciting time. Working with pregnant clients is always a privilege and a wonderful aspect of the work at Breathe Holistic Therapy. 

For more information please call 07531121199 or e-mail me

Posted on October 7, 2013 and filed under maternity.