Breathe Holistic Therapy

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Call for Pregnancy and Meditation Research Volunteers

I have been contacted by a student, Thomas, from Durham University who is undertaking a study into the benefits of meditation in pregnancy. The study aims to examine the effect of regular meditation on stress and anxiety in pregnancy. The benefits could be wide ranging for both mothers, their babies and their family. The study is purely academic and no financial incentives have been given to the student for his work. The study also has ethical approval from Durham University.

I’m obviously biased and you probably know my feelings on the benefits of meditation for pregnancy…and life in general, but it would be great if anyone can help Thomas with his study. I have included the application advert below so if you are pregnant or know anyone who is then please do take a look.


Ever fancied trying meditation, or wondered if it even ‘works’?

Durham University is conducting a study on the impact of meditation on maternal stress, anxiety and depression during pregnancy.

We're looking for women who are curious and interested in trying it out!

Criteria for participation:

Living in UK

Proficient in English

No health complications

20-week anomaly scan (don’t worry - you can sign up now and participate later!)

Not currently practicing meditation or yoga

What you’ll be asked to do:

Follow a 15-min online guided meditation video every day for 4 weeks (whenever and wherever convenient).

Complete a short online questionnaire at the beginning and end of the 4 weeks.

Note: The online questionnaire contains questions you may find sensitive. You will not have to answer any questions you are not comfortable with.

Does that sound like you?

How to participate:

If you qualify and you’re curious to try meditation, please email:

This study is supervised by Professor N. Reissland: