Breathe Holistic Therapy

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Moving Forward Safely Together

I’m not even sure which week of lockdown/lockdown easing this is but, like the rest of the country it seems, I am looking at ways to work when we enter the next stage of this strange new normal.  I will wait for government guidelines but when I am allowed back to see all my wonderful clients I know things will have to be different; at least for a while.  Companies seem to be “ in consultation” with people devising their new protocols and procedures, but as I don’t really have anyone to consult with I thought I’d open up with some of my ideas and ask for feedback from the most important part of my business…my clients!!!

Firstly, it is important to accept that working with one client in the treatment room or in their home for at least an hour does constitute close social contact. I am sure we will still be advised to avoid this for quite a long time to come, unless other precautions can be put in place. It is these precautions I am looking into.  This return to work will probably not be for some weeks, I’m hoping for August, but making plans helps me to remind me that one day I will be back to the best job in the world.

The first and most obvious option seems to be the use of face masks. I feel quite confident that I will have to wear a mask when I return to work. In Germany, the BBC reports, hairdressers are opening but both the client and hairdresser are required to wear face coverings.  I feel very strongly that the communication between myself and my clients is a really important part of the appointment. Wearing a mask will impact on this.  Safety is, of course, my first concern and I don’t see any other options. Some places, such as offices, are using Perspex screening but I can’t imagine a contraption with holes to poke your feet through a clear screen would work out too well !!

Another new idea? perhaps not!

Could I fit a tent into my treatment room?

Keeping the environment clean is the next concern. I have completed the Skills For Health Coronavirus (covid-19) Awareness for Health Professionals course which has clarified important infection control measures.  

I plan to have hand sanitiser available for every client as they enter the premises or to use when I arrive on a visit. This can also be used before departure. I always clean well after clients but this routine will need to be extended. I will bag waste products, such as the disposable towels, after each treatment rather than putting into a bin. The laundry will be placed in washable bags and go straight into the machine to keep and virus particles contained.

Methods of payment will also need to be considered. I feel I can continue to accept cash payments, where no change is required, and cheques. My professional body CNHC recommends using an envelope system to minimise risks. I will also encourage bank transfers and discuss this option when confirming bookings.

How does this sound so far? Do you think masks will become the norm and not feel too clinical and impersonal? I really do not want to compromise the benefits and enjoyment of your treatments with me.

I will also have to always be alert to any symptoms experienced by myself or my family and obviously not work if I am at risk of having/developing Covid-19.  I will also not be able to see clients who are isolating due to symptoms or have contact with someone with symptoms of Coronavirus. I plan to use an assessment the day before your appointments to check everything is O.K for your appointment. This can be something as simple as a text message. There will, of course, be no fee due for cancellations at this time.

Now contact tracing has launched In the UK any alerts to possible exposure will also mean I cannot work for a period of time. This means I will need to work with a lot of uncertainty and flexibility in my diary. That is something I’m sure we will all be adapting to.  I’ve been thinking and maybe it would be helpful for planning if, where possible, I book the next two or even three appointments in for clients to ensure if one is cancelled then there is another one already booked in to look forward to? I would be interested to hear your views on that idea?

I am in the process of writing the ‘Covid-19 safe’ workplace policy and can share that link for anyone who wishes to take a look. This is being written using recommendations from the CNHC which is a government approved register of therapists. I will amend and update as specific guidance for hands-on professionals is published by the government.

Take care everyone, please do share any thoughts you have about this post , I love to hear from you.

best wishes
